Pietro Landi and Carlo Piccardi
Physical Review E, 89, 012814, 2014

2014, Pietro Landi & Carlo Piccardi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
For maximalCliques.m: 2011, Jeffrey Wildman (downloaded and redistributed from Matlab Central)
[see licence notes in the distribution file]

email carlo.piccardi@polimi.it
web https://piccardi.faculty.polimi.it

Last updated: January 29, 2014


You can download the main text of the paper and the Supplemental Material file directly from the Physical Review E website. Or write to carlo.piccardi@polimi.it to request a pdf copy.


The distribution file IOPC.zip contains the Matlab codes and datafiles used to produce the results of the paper. Please refer to the paper (main text and Supplemental Material file) for all details about the algorithm and data.

The code and data can readily be adapted and used for your own application (we hope so, at least). Please report any bug or misfunctioning. If your research benefits of these methods and algorithms, please let us know (and cite the paper...).

The zip file contains:
  • InOutPseudoCommunities.m : main code for (pseudo)community detection. The user specifies the network, the type of structures to seek for (e.g., out-communities, or in-pseudocommunities), and a few computational parameters. Also, she/he interactively set the quality threshold and the level of pruning: the resulting (pseudo)communities are stored in the workspace, and their fetaures are graphically summarized.
  • phi.m: function used by the main code.
  • maximalCliques.m: function used by the main code.
The following datafiles are included (see the paper's Supplemental Material for details):
  • A_wtn.mat : world trade network.
  • A_wtn61.mat , A_wtn75.mat : world trade network for "leather, leather manufactures, and dressed furskins" (61) and "office machines and automatic data-processing machines" (75).
  • A_ownership.mat : ownership relations among Italian companies.
  • A_airports.mat : worldwide airports and their flight connections.
  • A_leadership.mat , A_prison.mat : networks of positive sentiment in social groups.
  • A_littlerock.mat , A_stmarks.mat , A_stmartin.mat , A_ythan.mat : networks representing the food web in specific ecosystems.
  • A_neural.mat : neural network of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans.
  • A_ecoli.mat , A_scerevisiae.mat : transcriptional regulation networks of the bacterium Escherichia coli and of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  • A_politicalblogs.mat : network of hyperlinks between weblogs on U.S. politics.
  • A_japanese.mat : word-adjacency network obtained from Shikibu's "The Tale of Genji".
  • A_netscience.mat : collaborations among researchers in network science.
  • A_ppi.mat : protein-protein interaction of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


The .m code works correctly with Matlab 7.11.0 operating under 64-bit Windows 7 (but it probably work on previous versions as well).
maximalCliques.m is redistributed from Matlab Central (see copyright notes).